Category Archives: Uncategorized

Onions and the June garden

The other day Drew harvested all of the onions and hung them up to cure.  We now have several jars of frozen chopped onions.  This was our best onion batch yet.


Despite having baby on the brain, Drew managed to plant the biggest garden we’ve ever had.  Our tomato plants are getting huge and we’ve already been eating a lot of cucumbers and raspberries.  One zucchini has made its way to our plate, while many more appear to be on their way.




Spring Strawberries

Last year was our first year with strawberry plants in our front yard tree box.  During the first year it is suggested to pluck off the flowers so that the plants can put their energy into becoming established rather than producing fruit.  That makes this the first year for us to get an actual crop of strawberries.  Boy did we!  Drew blew me away when he walked in with this bunch.  Turns out they’ve been loving all this rain.


Time for a tasty treat.



Sun Shade

Drew and I love our backyard covered porch but we have not taken full advantage of it for outdoor eating due to the timing of when the sun shines in.  Now that is no longer a problem.  Drew pulled out a little DIY magic and fashioned us a lovely shade out of a roll of fabric, dowel rods, and string.


More Green Egg meals are in our future.

Garden Revamp

I’m very excited that Drew mulched around our garden and it now looks like it belongs there.  This should cut down on the weeds and eliminate the need to get in there with the weed eater.  That had always been a precarious situation because you took a chance accidentally chopping off our overflowing plants.  You can also see the three new raised beds we added.



As soon as the camera came out Willis struck a pose.


T-shirt Quilt: Part 2

You may not remember, but there was a T-shirt quilt part 1 back in December 2014 when I was between garden and busy season and had cut out and prepped my t-shirt squares.  Almost a year later and I do believe it is time to move forward.  Luckily, this time I had the help of my mother who is more adept at sewing than I am.


Here she is threading the sewing machine.


First step was to sew the rows together.


That wasn’t too bad, but sewing the rows to the other rows proved to be a bit more challenging.  Some stretching of the fabric made it difficult to keep the shirts lined up exactly.


But we prevailed and now have a complete quilt top.


Unfortunately, when we went to sew on the fleece back we found that I had been shorted on fabric.  A trip back to the fabric store corrected this error, but the final sew job will have to wait for another day. Preferably not another year from now.

Rain Barrel

Drew moved a couple hastas and added sand, dirt, and paving stones to create the perfect spot for my new rain barrel.



Willis helped of course.



Now I’m actually hoping to see some rain soon.

Garden Expansion

Look at what my wonderful husband did!  Built me another raised bed made especially for tomatoes.



But wait, he actually built me two more raised beds.  The possibilities are endless.  Carrots, beets, lettuce, peas….



He later blew my mind by getting them buried and filled with dirt while I was slaving away at work one Saturday. He is a keeper!