T-shirt Quilt: Part 2

You may not remember, but there was a T-shirt quilt part 1 back in December 2014 when I was between garden and busy season and had cut out and prepped my t-shirt squares.  Almost a year later and I do believe it is time to move forward.  Luckily, this time I had the help of my mother who is more adept at sewing than I am.


Here she is threading the sewing machine.


First step was to sew the rows together.


That wasn’t too bad, but sewing the rows to the other rows proved to be a bit more challenging.  Some stretching of the fabric made it difficult to keep the shirts lined up exactly.


But we prevailed and now have a complete quilt top.


Unfortunately, when we went to sew on the fleece back we found that I had been shorted on fabric.  A trip back to the fabric store corrected this error, but the final sew job will have to wait for another day. Preferably not another year from now.