Brussels Sprouts

I’m finally growing Brussels Sprouts, which I absolutely love.  Drew has no faith in them actually producing anything, but I am taking on his challenge!  At least they have spouted.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

In other news, the cucumber plants are officially done.  At least, that is, the main two plants that we’ve cared for.  There are two more out front that were not attacked by the cucumber beetle but never reached the size of the ones in the back.  I bet we’ll get several more from those.

It appears we may have more raspberries.  DSC02570

I’m also impressed at the size of the tomatoes and eggplants coming along.




Listada Eggplant


One comment

  • kmm1960

    So excited about how well your garden is doing! My neighbor said he has tomatoes that are getting close to being ripe enough to pick. He plans to pick them a little early and let them ripen off the vine because he’s worried about critters getting to them. He said to wrap them in newspaper or put them in a paper bag and they’ll ripen nicely.