Monthly Archives: October 2015


We are back in action with the garden now that the kale is big enough to warrant harvesting.


The rest of the plants are looking pretty good and I’m seeing some peas forming.



Here’s to hoping I see some sign of cabbage, cauliflower, or Brussels Sprouts before snow fall.

T-shirt Quilt: Part 3

I did it!  The t-shirt quilt is complete, though not without some blood and tears.  Well, maybe not tears, but blood was shed from the prick of many straight pins. 1016150916a

Once we got the quilt top, batting, and fleece sewn together we flipped it back through like a pillow case.


Next step was to sew around the edges in order to close the hole we used for flipping.


We ended up using the yarn method to keep the front and back pieces together by tying yarn in the corners of the t-shirt blocks.  It too was a long and tedious process, but with the help of my mother we prevailed.


It may be about eight years after graduation, but it’s just in time for cold weather!


T-shirt Quilt: Part 2

You may not remember, but there was a T-shirt quilt part 1 back in December 2014 when I was between garden and busy season and had cut out and prepped my t-shirt squares.  Almost a year later and I do believe it is time to move forward.  Luckily, this time I had the help of my mother who is more adept at sewing than I am.


Here she is threading the sewing machine.


First step was to sew the rows together.


That wasn’t too bad, but sewing the rows to the other rows proved to be a bit more challenging.  Some stretching of the fabric made it difficult to keep the shirts lined up exactly.


But we prevailed and now have a complete quilt top.


Unfortunately, when we went to sew on the fleece back we found that I had been shorted on fabric.  A trip back to the fabric store corrected this error, but the final sew job will have to wait for another day. Preferably not another year from now.