Monthly Archives: June 2015

Carrot Harvest

It was time to pull the carrots today.  I’ll say that we ended up with plenty of them.  The variety we chose was the short, stubby kind.


It has been good for us to experiment with growing different vegetables in order to determine what our favorites are.  I think I’ve decided that root vegetables are too much of a pain to mess with.  The beets had to be cooked and peeled all while trying not to dye everything in sight pink.  The carrots took a lot of scrubbing and were difficult to peel without losing a lot of the carrot.  I will try sweet potatoes one day, but I’m saying good bye to the rest of these underground babies.  At least for now while real estate is limited.





Ugh! And tomorrow I still need to make something with these.  I’m leaning towards carrot soup.

Zucchini Arrival

We tried another beet recipe that involved putting a layer of roasted beets in a baking dish, topped with shredded sweet potato and cracked eggs.  Not bad but I’m still liking the beet salad best.  Mostly I was trying to find creative ways to use all my eggs. This weekend we are pulling up the rest of the beets and pickling them.



Say hello to our first zucchini.


We also have a yellow squash forming that should be ready this weekend.  I know gardeners tend to end up with excessive amounts of zucchini and squash, but I am going to be very disappointed if that doesn’t happen to me.  Zucchini noodles anyone?  Probably the best healthy thing ever and you need to try them immediately if you haven’t already.  However, tonight it will be a zucchini quesadilla.

Our Return

After coming back from vacation we had a few surprises in the garden.  One of them was a crazy amount of weeds that had taken over after the warm week.  The other was a decent harvest of peas, some berries, a pepper, carrots and beets.

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For dinner we had a colorful meal of pea soup and beet and carrot salad.  The picture doesn’t do it justice, but this pea soup was a wonderful lime green.



Don’t forget the dessert.




Small Harvest

We were able to harvest a few peas and a couple beets this morning.



We went ahead and blanched the peas and froze them to make a pea soup once we have enough.  Apparently you can even use the pods to make a broth so we froze those too.



With the beets I plan to make a salad using the greens and the boiled beets.