2015 Garden Recap

Another year gone and time for a garden recap.  Drew and I have been preoccupied with our baby news, so I’m a little behind on this.  I also made a “Bump” tab to have a place for my baby bump pics.  I believe my garden blog may have to share a bit with Baby Joel since he will be taking center stage of our lives.

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Bell peppers– These were once again not abundant producers.  Not even the starters we picked up.  Now I understand why peppers are so dang expensive.  I’m thinking it may be better to stick with buying them at the store or trying a mini variety.

Tabasco peppers– Great!

Cucumbers– Good producers and made great soups and salads

Tomatoes– The Roma and Cherry were fantastic.  I’m going to stop planting Beefsteak.

Beets– Turns out we don’t like beets

Carrots– They did well, but too much trouble to peel and chop the stubby little carrots.

Squash– They did better than last year but I think they need a lot more sun.  We will be moving to the main garden area. I use squash in cooking all the time so I am going to get this right.  I want to try zucchini again, as well as butternut and spaghetti.

Corn– No dice.  This gets one more shot, this time in full sun next year.

Beans– Great!

Peas– Great!

Lettuce– The spring crop was good and I actually did get some to grow this fall

Cabbage– Never did mature before it got too cold and wet

Brussels Sprouts- Started to see sprouts but not until late December and it is getting too cold

Cauliflower– Spring crop was a bust and only one mushy cauliflower was produced in the fall

Kale– Did very well, especially with the mild weather on into December.  There is even edible kale out there right now.

Raspberries– Produced twice this season

Strawberries– We tried to pick off most of the flowers so they can get established. The birds did like to eat any fruit that developed.  We need to net it next year.

Blueberries, pear trees, and currants– No sign of fruit yet but these do take a few years to get going

Lemon tree– Produced one lemon.  It is looking healthy.

Onions– We used sets and ended up with a few small onions.  They don’t seem to be that easy to grow. I’m wondering if I should try green onions instead.

Herbs– The basil, oregano, thyme, and dill all did well.  I want to have a bunch of basil next year to make pesto.  We just used our pesto on some shrimp and it was delightful.

For 2016 we are keeping it simple with just the main staples since we will be plenty busy with Baby Joel.