Monthly Archives: December 2014

T-shirt Quilt

There is a small gap of time between garden season and busy season that allows me to catch up on other projects.  I’ve used the time this year to finally get all of my sorority t-shirts cut and the interfacing attached.  Now they are officially ready to be sewed together to make the long awaited t-shirt quilt.



I make no promises to myself that anything more will happen during this last week of freedom, but at least it is moving forward!

A New Beginning

Surprisingly, the beginning of the next garden season is almost upon us.  I just checked my garden calendar and I am scheduled to start onions indoors at the end of this month.  In celebration, I’ve updated the look of the blog.  Hey, it’s much cheaper than redecorating our house!

Review of 2014 Garden

Things are quiet now and it seems like a good time to evaluate our first year garden.  I’ve compiled all of my notes below to help me plan for next year.

Tomatoes: These grew very well.  Struggled a little with blossom-end rot and with rodents eating them before they could ripen.  We had to bring them all in while still green and ripen them in paper bags.

Lettuce: The spring crop was great. Next year I want to plant in succession so that it isn’t all mature at the same time.  The summer lettuce never grew. It must be too hot.

Onions: Did not do well.  Next year try planting them deeper.

Bell Peppers: Also did not do well.  Next year do not plant them next to the tomato plants as they are too shaded. Also try planting more.

Cucumbers: A great producer!  We did have the cucumber beetle come a give the plants bacterial wilt.  I’ve heard to cover the cucumbers until they bloom to keep the beetles away.

Tomatillos:  We did not give them a trellis and it fell over and broke.  Definitely want to try again with support.

Jalapenos: Did way too well. We had to pull them up before they were even done producing because we had a ton of jalapenos.  Next year only plant 2 jalapeno plants.

Beans: They grew well.  We want to plant more beans next year.  We also need to start them earlier so that they have time to dry on the vine before frost comes so we can get fresh and dried beans.

Patty-pan Squash: Horrible.  We only got one.  Next year we should try planting in deeper mounds and maybe get a different kind.

Spaghetti squash: We got one, but it may have been affected by the bacterial wilt because we never got another.  We would like to try more of these.

Corn: Was all eaten by something.  Next year start indoors.

Kale: It’s growing well in the raised bed, but not the pots.  Try to plant earlier next year and plant more.

Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower: All of these were planted too late and are either dead or barely hanging on now that it is winter.

Raspberries: Red are doing great, black are planted in too shaded of a spot.

The other plants all did well but we don’t plan on planting eggplant, okra, and all the different kinds of tomatoes again.  Some new items we want for next year are:

-Carrots, beets, strawberries, blueberries, sunflowers and peas.

I’d say overall it was a success!