Monthly Archives: September 2014

Saving Seed

Drew is taking the first stab at trying to save some of our seed.  The cherry tomato plant has been doing very well and the chickens go nuts for them.  I must admit, I stopped counting how many of them we harvested after I started feeding them to the chickens.  We’ve gotten a lot!  Here are the seeds fermenting a bit before Drew drys them out for us to keep.



On a side note, we did eat that double yolker.  Here is how it came out of the shell.


Raspberry Jam

We’ve been collecting and freezing raspberries all summer long.  Last night, we finally had five cups of raspberries and were able to try our hand at making jam.  Drew mashed all the berries and mixed them with sugar.


We then took turns stirring for the next half hour.




Willis was not much help at this time.



Once it started to gel, we put it in our jars and processed them in the water bath.  Drew and I snuck a taste off the stirring spoon and it was quite delicious!


Green Beans

We ate our first handful of green beans the other day.  I was surprised at how much I enjoyed them and can truly say that these taste better than green beans from the store.


We cut open our melon once it ripened.  There wasn’t much flesh to eat since it never got very big.  It reminded me mostly of a cantaloupe.  I’ll probably give some of it to the chickens.


Whoa Tomatoes!

We have been peeling, squeezing, and freezing tomatoes little by little over this gardening season.  Last night we had the biggest mess of them yet.


The free melon plant we were given seemed to be at the end of its life, so we went ahead and plucked this guy off of it.  I hope it is far enough along to ripen and be edible.


This cool, fall air is making me think it is almost time for me to transplant my cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale and cabbage.  I usually hate the shift into colder weather, but at least now it means new food!

Double Yolker

I’ve been waiting for this.  We just got a double yolk egg, which is classic for a newly laying chicken. This happens when two yolks are released into the hen’s ovary at the same time and one shell develops around them.  We haven’t checked inside yet, but I was told you would know you have one when you get an oblong egg.


Scrambled Eggs

After saving up enough eggs to amount to a decent breakfast, we scrambled them.  They tasted great!  We’re up to about 8 eggs total at this point.


